
Many young people and their families may be feeling anxious and worried during school closures. It can feel scary and isolating but you are not alone. Remember that it is as important to take care of your mental health as well as your physical health. The COVID-19 pandemic is a new and uncertain time for all of us and may affect our mental health in different ways. While most of the attention has understandably been on physical health, it is more important than ever that we make sure to look after our mental health and the mental health of our loved ones.  Below we have included some resources that hopefully will be helpful for those children still in schools, as well as to equip parents and carers with children at home.

Everybody Worries e-book.

Even the bravest of the brave and the coolest of the cool worry. Worrying is normal when so much has changed.

Inspired by conversations with his parent friends who weren’t sure how to explain what is happening right now to their small children, artist and writer Jon Burgerman decided to do something to help.

Click here to view the e-book. 


During the time that Carmarthenshire schools are closed, Area 43’s schools counsellors will be offering counselling remotely, via Zoom, an online platform using text, audio or video link or over the phone.

To access counselling support, please complete the self-referral (for children/young people from year 5 and older in Carmarthenshire) and a counsellor will contact you directly.

Area 43 can be contacted on 0800 0385778

Childrens Comissioner for Wales Survey

Have your say –  An online survey for 7-18 asking for your views and opinions during the Coronavirus pandemic

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