School Dinners

Universal Primary Free School Meal (UPFSM) Update
From September 2022 all full-time Nursery and Reception pupils in Carmarthenshire
schools are eligible for a UPFSM.
A number of schools were subject to kitchen works during the Summer, this involved the
installation of additional equipment to manage the anticipated increase in meal
numbers. We are continuing to assess all kitchens and will be identifying further schools
requiring kitchen works in the coming weeks.
We also continue to work on determining the earliest we are able to extend the offer of
a UPFSM to Year 1 and 2 pupils. We hope to update you further at our earliest
UPFSM Registration
The council’s website has been updated so that parents can register for UPFSM by
completing an online form (though it is not mandatory that parents complete it). The
initial form was devised to signpost parents to wider benefits that they may be entitled
to e.g. uniform grant to include applying for income threshold related free school meals
(eFSM). The form was also designed to capture special dietary requirements for those
pupils who may not already have school meals and/or for pupils who would be starting
school for the first time in order that appropriate menus could be planned in readiness
for the start of the new academic year. The online form was publicised via the
Council’s social media as well as to parents/guardians direct during the summer
holiday period via ParentPay and Teacher Centre.